A mesothelioma lawsuit is filed by a victim of mesothelioma in order to recover damages associated with their development of this asbestos related cancer. A mesothelioma case can help a victim seek reparations for medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering. Mesothelioma develops almost exclusively as a result of toxic exposure to asbestos. This disease can remain latent in a victim for up to forty years; therefore people who were exposed to asbestos in the environment in the 1950s may still be at risk for developing this disease.
Asbestos has been used to make more than 5000 products in the last few hundred years. Asbestos is a naturally occurring group of minerals that is used to make products such as vehicle brakes and building materials. Asbestos is added to these products because it aids in heat and corrosion resistance. The deadly effects of asbestos have been known for over sixty years, though it continues to be used in a variety of industries. People in the construction, automotive, factory, railroad, shipyard, and custodial industries may all be at risk for the serious health consequences resulting from toxic exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma is a rare but fatal cancer that is caused by this harmful exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma affects the mesothelium that surrounds and protects the internal organs of the body and can affect any organ in the body including the brain, heart and reproductive organs. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common and affects the lining surrounding the lungs. This lining can become cancerous when asbestos is inhaled at toxic levels. Many times the disease is asymptomatic, though symptoms may include a persistent cough, pain in the chest area or shortness of breath.
Mesothelioma also affects the peritoneal lining of the organs in the abdominal cavity. This type of mesothelioma can also remain latent and asymptomatic for several years. If symptoms do develop they might include pain and swelling of the belly, nausea, bowel problems, weight loss, swollen feet, and anemia.
Mesothelioma affects men three to five times more often than it affects women. It is diagnosed in patients at an average age of 50 to 70 years. Once diagnosed, mesothelioma is fatal. The average survival time after diagnosis is only one year, because the cancer is usually in its advanced stages by the time it is discovered. For people who are diagnosed earlier, about one half survive for two years and twenty percent make it to five years.
A mesothelioma lawsuit can be filed in the legal system in order to seek reparations for medical expenses, loss of income and pain and suffering associated with the development of this disease. Employers and manufactures of asbestos containing products can be held liable for the injuries that develop as a result, especially when they were aware of the risks associated with the level of exposure they caused or permitted. Contacting a qualified lawyer is often the first step in discovering what your legal rights and options might be in a mesothelioma lawsuit. For more information on a mesothelioma lawsuit, please Contact a Mesothelioma Attorney who is familiar with other mesothelioma cases.
Mesothelioma Lawsuits Goes to Trial
A suit filed by a previous electrician who recently died from mesothelioma, is proceeding to trial in New York.
Joel Rosenberg is one of many men who fell victim to the disease after working for years in New York as an electrician and being exposed to asbestos.
Mesothelioma Due to Asbestos Exposure
Rosenberg began working at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) when he was a teenager and after being diagnosed later in his life with mesothelioma, died at the age of 64.
Before his death, Rosenberg filed the suit against IBEW aware that his condition was from all the work he had done in New York at the World Trade Center, Kennedy Airport, and Rockefeller Plaza, and other building’s in New York.
Losing his father, who was also an electrician for the Local 3 Union to mesothelioma in 1981, Rosenberg became aware of the co-relation between his job and his illness, as many of his co-workers became diagnosed throughout the years.
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is related to the exposure of asbestos and affects thousands annually.
The Case
Before passing, Rosenberg made a video giving sworn testimony which will be shown to the jury.
His widow, Sharon Rosenberg, who is serving as a plaintiff in the case for her late husband, is continuing the lawsuit.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is the name given to a group of fibrous materials, chiefly composed of silicates, that occur naturally in many parts of the world. Six types of asbestos are commercially produced, with the three main types being:
* Crocidolite blue asbestos
* Amosite brown asbestos
* Chrysotile white asbestos
Where is Asbestos Found?
Asbestos fibres derived from natural and man-made sources are found throughout the environment; in fact asbestos was used widely in building materials, insulation and household products between the 1900s and the mid-1970s.
It is important to know where and in what products asbestos is most likely to be found. Asbestos is most likely to be present in buildings constructed or refurbished between 1950 and 1980, particularly if it has a steel frame, boiler/vessels and pipework with thermal insulation and/or suspended ceilings.
What are the Health Problems Associated with Asbestos?
Asbestos is dangerous because it splits into very fine dust particles, which can be inhaled. These particles can lodge in the deeper parts of the lungs and because they do not dissolve readily - they may persist for years. Inhaling high levels of asbestos fibres over a period of time can result in diseases for which there is no cure including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma (a cancer of the chest or abdominal lining). The risk of people developing asbestos-related diseases depends on a number of factors including cumulative dose received, the time since their first exposure, and the type and size of asbestos fibre concerned.
If you find that you do have asbestos, then it is usually the legal responsibility of the building owner to take appropriate action. The owner should:
* Know where asbestos materials are and ensure that maintenance staff and others have been suitably trained in procedures for dealing with those materials
* Ensure that if a survey has not been carried out, management procedures are sufficiently robust to prevent work starting when suspect materials are present
* Ensure that staff know they should stop and seek advice when they come across suspect fibrous materials
* Ensure that the removal and disposal of asbestos is carried out in a safe and responsible manner
If any doubt exists and you are unsure as to what action to take, you must seek expert advice before you begin any work. Such advice is available in the first instance from your local authority or the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
* Crocidolite blue asbestos
* Amosite brown asbestos
* Chrysotile white asbestos
Where is Asbestos Found?
Asbestos fibres derived from natural and man-made sources are found throughout the environment; in fact asbestos was used widely in building materials, insulation and household products between the 1900s and the mid-1970s.
It is important to know where and in what products asbestos is most likely to be found. Asbestos is most likely to be present in buildings constructed or refurbished between 1950 and 1980, particularly if it has a steel frame, boiler/vessels and pipework with thermal insulation and/or suspended ceilings.
What are the Health Problems Associated with Asbestos?
Asbestos is dangerous because it splits into very fine dust particles, which can be inhaled. These particles can lodge in the deeper parts of the lungs and because they do not dissolve readily - they may persist for years. Inhaling high levels of asbestos fibres over a period of time can result in diseases for which there is no cure including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma (a cancer of the chest or abdominal lining). The risk of people developing asbestos-related diseases depends on a number of factors including cumulative dose received, the time since their first exposure, and the type and size of asbestos fibre concerned.
If you find that you do have asbestos, then it is usually the legal responsibility of the building owner to take appropriate action. The owner should:
* Know where asbestos materials are and ensure that maintenance staff and others have been suitably trained in procedures for dealing with those materials
* Ensure that if a survey has not been carried out, management procedures are sufficiently robust to prevent work starting when suspect materials are present
* Ensure that staff know they should stop and seek advice when they come across suspect fibrous materials
* Ensure that the removal and disposal of asbestos is carried out in a safe and responsible manner
If any doubt exists and you are unsure as to what action to take, you must seek expert advice before you begin any work. Such advice is available in the first instance from your local authority or the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Approximately 10 to 20 percent of mesothelioma tumors develop in the lining of the abdomen. This type of mesothelioma is referred to as peritoneal mesothelioma.
The only known cause of peritoneal mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, a mineral commonly used in fire retardant and insulating materials. The asbestos fibers may find their way into the abdomen by being swallowed or by migrating from the lungs.
Peritoneal mesothelioma can be either benign or malignant. A diagnosis of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (abdominal cancer) is very serious. 95 percent of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma cases are fatal within two years.
Peritoneal mesothelioma can be either benign or malignant. A diagnosis of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (abdominal cancer) is very serious. Historically, there was a less than two year average survival for patients diagnosed with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. With modern surgical and chemotherapy treatments that have become available in recent years, however, the outlook is gradually improving. The preferred chemotherapy regimen for mesothelioma involves treatment with Alimta and Cisplatin. Surgical “debulking” of the abdominal tumor tissue may also be an option. We believe it is important to consult with a doctor knowledgeable about the latest advances in the treatment of mesothelioma to ensure the best chance of long-term survival.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma cancer, please contact our lawyers as soon as possible. We will arrange to fly to your home anywhere in the United States within a few days. In most cases, you will not have to travel or even appear in court. We will thoroughly investigate your case and take video depositions. You will not have to pay any attorneys’ fees unless we obtain a financial settlement.
The only known cause of peritoneal mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, a mineral commonly used in fire retardant and insulating materials. The asbestos fibers may find their way into the abdomen by being swallowed or by migrating from the lungs.
Peritoneal mesothelioma can be either benign or malignant. A diagnosis of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (abdominal cancer) is very serious. 95 percent of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma cases are fatal within two years.
Peritoneal mesothelioma can be either benign or malignant. A diagnosis of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma (abdominal cancer) is very serious. Historically, there was a less than two year average survival for patients diagnosed with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. With modern surgical and chemotherapy treatments that have become available in recent years, however, the outlook is gradually improving. The preferred chemotherapy regimen for mesothelioma involves treatment with Alimta and Cisplatin. Surgical “debulking” of the abdominal tumor tissue may also be an option. We believe it is important to consult with a doctor knowledgeable about the latest advances in the treatment of mesothelioma to ensure the best chance of long-term survival.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma cancer, please contact our lawyers as soon as possible. We will arrange to fly to your home anywhere in the United States within a few days. In most cases, you will not have to travel or even appear in court. We will thoroughly investigate your case and take video depositions. You will not have to pay any attorneys’ fees unless we obtain a financial settlement.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Mesothelioma Settlements
Asbestos and Mesothelioma Settlements
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is typically caused by exposure to asbestos – a naturally occurring fiber that is commonly used in construction, shipbuilding and automotive repairs. For decades, the use of asbestos in these industries went unregulated despite the presence of scientific data that found a strong correlation between asbestos exposure and lung illnesses like Mesothelioma. Because Mesothelioma symptoms only become noticeable decades after exposure, many victims of asbestos exposure fail to realize the actual cause of their declining health.
Many companies using asbestos were accused of knowing the dangers of asbestos exposure long before the government officially began regulating its use in 1970. As such, these companies knowingly allowed its workers to be exposed to deadly levels of asbestos fibers in order to maintain profit margins. The result has been hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Mesothelioma settlements and lawsuits. Since the incubation period between asbestos exposure and the first symptoms of Mesothelioma can last for up to 50 years, government health officials expect the number of Mesothelioma lawsuits and settlements to continue to grow.
The reach of this Mesothelioma epidemic is so great that industry leaders have been petitioning lawmakers in Washington to pass a bill that would take Mesothelioma cases out of the courtroom and create a Federal trust fund designed to provide financial assistance to Mesothelioma victims. Most experts believe this system would not provide enough support for Mesothelioma victims while also granting what essentially amounts to a pardon to the industries responsible for the pain and suffering of thousands of Americans.
Settling Mesothelioma Cases
Settlements allow all parties involved to avoid protracted legal battles. Lawsuits involving asbestos exposure and Mesothelioma typically never make it to trial. Depending on the specifics of the case, settlements can range anywhere from thousands to millions of dollars. Factors influencing settlements include the avenue of exposure and the political climate in the region at the time. Ultimately, the amount of the Mesothelioma settlement is dependant on the amount of damage done to the victim as a result of the exposure, the defendant’s culpability, as well as the factors listed above.
Settlements must account for the cost of long term medical treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In the event of a wrongful death caused by Mesothelioma, the settlement must also account for the pain and suffering of the deceased’s survivors and funeral expenses.
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is typically caused by exposure to asbestos – a naturally occurring fiber that is commonly used in construction, shipbuilding and automotive repairs. For decades, the use of asbestos in these industries went unregulated despite the presence of scientific data that found a strong correlation between asbestos exposure and lung illnesses like Mesothelioma. Because Mesothelioma symptoms only become noticeable decades after exposure, many victims of asbestos exposure fail to realize the actual cause of their declining health.
Many companies using asbestos were accused of knowing the dangers of asbestos exposure long before the government officially began regulating its use in 1970. As such, these companies knowingly allowed its workers to be exposed to deadly levels of asbestos fibers in order to maintain profit margins. The result has been hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Mesothelioma settlements and lawsuits. Since the incubation period between asbestos exposure and the first symptoms of Mesothelioma can last for up to 50 years, government health officials expect the number of Mesothelioma lawsuits and settlements to continue to grow.
The reach of this Mesothelioma epidemic is so great that industry leaders have been petitioning lawmakers in Washington to pass a bill that would take Mesothelioma cases out of the courtroom and create a Federal trust fund designed to provide financial assistance to Mesothelioma victims. Most experts believe this system would not provide enough support for Mesothelioma victims while also granting what essentially amounts to a pardon to the industries responsible for the pain and suffering of thousands of Americans.
Settling Mesothelioma Cases
Settlements allow all parties involved to avoid protracted legal battles. Lawsuits involving asbestos exposure and Mesothelioma typically never make it to trial. Depending on the specifics of the case, settlements can range anywhere from thousands to millions of dollars. Factors influencing settlements include the avenue of exposure and the political climate in the region at the time. Ultimately, the amount of the Mesothelioma settlement is dependant on the amount of damage done to the victim as a result of the exposure, the defendant’s culpability, as well as the factors listed above.
Settlements must account for the cost of long term medical treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In the event of a wrongful death caused by Mesothelioma, the settlement must also account for the pain and suffering of the deceased’s survivors and funeral expenses.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Abdominal Mesothelioma
What is Abdominal Mesothelioma?
Abdominal Mesothelioma is a cancer affecting the membrane which lines the abdominal cavity and covers the organs therein. This type of cancer is called Peritoneal Mesothelioma, a name derived from the peritoneum or abdominal lining. The peritoneum is further described as the visceral peritoneum (the part covering the internal organs) and the parietal peritoneum (the part covering the abdominal cavity).
Exposure to asbestos, especially on the job, is the main cause of mesothelioma. Shipyards and construction sites are notoriously high-risk areas.
Fortunately, abdominal mesothelioma is very rare. Malignant mesothelioma may not appear for 25 years after one has been exposed to asbestos, but sadly, it can be quite aggressive once it appears.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Symptoms of Peritoneal or Abdominal Mesothelioma include weight loss, swelling of the abdomen, fever, anemia, and bowel obstruction. One can see that these symptoms often indicate other less serious medical conditions but if you have been exposed to asbestos it is important to make sure that you are not at risk. Keep in mind that asbestos exposure includes second-hand vulnerability. For example, if you live with someone who might bring asbestos dust home on their clothes, you could be a candidate for abdominal mesothelioma.
Abdominal Mesothelioma
It is believed that abdominal mesothelioma stems from asbestos fibers being ingested and once in the intestinal tract they work themselves into the peritoneal cavity. As well, asbestos fibers may be inhaled and then transported to the peritoneal cavity via the lymph node system.
If a biopsy reveals cancer cells, treatments are available. The chance of recovery depends on many circumstances, such as the size of the cancer and how far it has spread. Early diagnosis of mesothelioma is an extremely important first step in fighting abdominal mesothelioma.
Abdominal Mesothelioma is a cancer affecting the membrane which lines the abdominal cavity and covers the organs therein. This type of cancer is called Peritoneal Mesothelioma, a name derived from the peritoneum or abdominal lining. The peritoneum is further described as the visceral peritoneum (the part covering the internal organs) and the parietal peritoneum (the part covering the abdominal cavity).
Exposure to asbestos, especially on the job, is the main cause of mesothelioma. Shipyards and construction sites are notoriously high-risk areas.
Fortunately, abdominal mesothelioma is very rare. Malignant mesothelioma may not appear for 25 years after one has been exposed to asbestos, but sadly, it can be quite aggressive once it appears.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Symptoms of Peritoneal or Abdominal Mesothelioma include weight loss, swelling of the abdomen, fever, anemia, and bowel obstruction. One can see that these symptoms often indicate other less serious medical conditions but if you have been exposed to asbestos it is important to make sure that you are not at risk. Keep in mind that asbestos exposure includes second-hand vulnerability. For example, if you live with someone who might bring asbestos dust home on their clothes, you could be a candidate for abdominal mesothelioma.
Abdominal Mesothelioma
It is believed that abdominal mesothelioma stems from asbestos fibers being ingested and once in the intestinal tract they work themselves into the peritoneal cavity. As well, asbestos fibers may be inhaled and then transported to the peritoneal cavity via the lymph node system.
If a biopsy reveals cancer cells, treatments are available. The chance of recovery depends on many circumstances, such as the size of the cancer and how far it has spread. Early diagnosis of mesothelioma is an extremely important first step in fighting abdominal mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Diagnosis
Traditional Mesothelioma Treatment
There are three types of malignant mesothelioma. The most common is pleural mesothelioma, then peritoneal mesothelioma and lastly pericardial mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is found in the lining of the lungs. Peritoneal mesothelioma is found in the abdominal cavity and pericardial mesothelioma is found around the lining of the heart.
The traditional treatments for malignant mesothelioma include:
Surgery (removing the mesothelioma).
Surgery could be diagnostic, palliative, or potentially curative. The method of surgery used most commonly in mesothelioma treatments are:
* A pleurectomy/decortication is the removal of the pleura (lining of the lung) without removing the underlying lung. Instead of removing the lung, the tumor is instead stripped away from the lung, diaphragm and vessels. In cases of peritoneal mesothelioma, cytoreductive surgery (debulking) can be performed. The surgeon will look for signs of cancer in the abdominal cavity and removes as much of the tumor as necessary. This will help make it more likely that chemotherapy/radiation can kill the cancer cells that are left over.
* An extrapleural pneumonectomy (which is a radical procedure) involves removing the lung, lung lining (pleura) and the pericardium which surrounds the heart, along with part of the diaphragm.
Surgery is typically perceived as the first option for eligible mesothelioma treatment patients and all evaluations should come from a physician which specializes in these surgical techniques.
Mesothelioma Chemotherapy (using drugs to fight the mesothelioma).
Mesothelioma Chemotherapy is actual "chemical therapy" where chemicals are injected into the area in order to destroy the cancer cells. Anticancer drugs help to prevent cancer cells from multiplying and spreading.
A majority of patients receive some form of mesothelioma chemotherapy. Several different chemicals are used and some are used either alone or in combination with other drugs. Most drugs used for mesothelioma treatment are accopmlished by injection into a vein or muscle (some do come in pill form). In some cases, specialists can administer chemotherapy directly into the pleural or peritoneal cavity. In doing so, they hope to target the mesothelioma tumor more effectively.
The most obvious reason for using of chemotherapy is to control the cancer and stopping it from spread or slowing it's growth include:
* Neoadjuvant mesothelioma chemotherapy is used to shrink tumors prior to other treatments, such as surgery.
* Adjuvant mesothelioma chemotherapy is used to destroy microscopic disease which may remain after surgery.
* Palliative mesothelioma chemotherapy is used to relieve symptoms, such as pain.
Chemotherapy drugs may have undesirable side effects. Doctors monitor the effects of these treatments. It is important to discuss with your doctor the chemotherapy options you are offered, including the expectations of success and possible side effects.
Radiation Therapy (high dose x-rays or other high-energy rays to eradocate the mesothelioma).
In many cases, two or more of these mesothelium treatments will be combined. Although these are clasified as "traditional" treatments, exciting treatment options are being developed currently.
There are three types of malignant mesothelioma. The most common is pleural mesothelioma, then peritoneal mesothelioma and lastly pericardial mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is found in the lining of the lungs. Peritoneal mesothelioma is found in the abdominal cavity and pericardial mesothelioma is found around the lining of the heart.
The traditional treatments for malignant mesothelioma include:
Surgery (removing the mesothelioma).
Surgery could be diagnostic, palliative, or potentially curative. The method of surgery used most commonly in mesothelioma treatments are:
* A pleurectomy/decortication is the removal of the pleura (lining of the lung) without removing the underlying lung. Instead of removing the lung, the tumor is instead stripped away from the lung, diaphragm and vessels. In cases of peritoneal mesothelioma, cytoreductive surgery (debulking) can be performed. The surgeon will look for signs of cancer in the abdominal cavity and removes as much of the tumor as necessary. This will help make it more likely that chemotherapy/radiation can kill the cancer cells that are left over.
* An extrapleural pneumonectomy (which is a radical procedure) involves removing the lung, lung lining (pleura) and the pericardium which surrounds the heart, along with part of the diaphragm.
Surgery is typically perceived as the first option for eligible mesothelioma treatment patients and all evaluations should come from a physician which specializes in these surgical techniques.
Mesothelioma Chemotherapy (using drugs to fight the mesothelioma).
Mesothelioma Chemotherapy is actual "chemical therapy" where chemicals are injected into the area in order to destroy the cancer cells. Anticancer drugs help to prevent cancer cells from multiplying and spreading.
A majority of patients receive some form of mesothelioma chemotherapy. Several different chemicals are used and some are used either alone or in combination with other drugs. Most drugs used for mesothelioma treatment are accopmlished by injection into a vein or muscle (some do come in pill form). In some cases, specialists can administer chemotherapy directly into the pleural or peritoneal cavity. In doing so, they hope to target the mesothelioma tumor more effectively.
The most obvious reason for using of chemotherapy is to control the cancer and stopping it from spread or slowing it's growth include:
* Neoadjuvant mesothelioma chemotherapy is used to shrink tumors prior to other treatments, such as surgery.
* Adjuvant mesothelioma chemotherapy is used to destroy microscopic disease which may remain after surgery.
* Palliative mesothelioma chemotherapy is used to relieve symptoms, such as pain.
Chemotherapy drugs may have undesirable side effects. Doctors monitor the effects of these treatments. It is important to discuss with your doctor the chemotherapy options you are offered, including the expectations of success and possible side effects.
Radiation Therapy (high dose x-rays or other high-energy rays to eradocate the mesothelioma).
In many cases, two or more of these mesothelium treatments will be combined. Although these are clasified as "traditional" treatments, exciting treatment options are being developed currently.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Mesothelioma Survival
Its powers of survival. the following pages try to. Was a glorious survival of that primitive kentucky type that stood. Their analogues and survivals in the. Analogues and survivals in the civilization of to-day. Some respects their survivals in the social institutions and.
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He died in 2002 at aged 60 of a second apparently unrelated cancer beating his 8 month median survival thirty times over. . of MM using conventional therapies has not proved successful and patients have a median survival time of 6 - 12 months after presentation. The clinical behaviour of the malignancy. Mesothelioma Cure and . MINNEAPOLIS -- For children with leukemia who need a transplant, five-year disease-free survival . cisplatin or carboplatin demonstrated activity in previously untreated malignant pleural mesothelioma . A Patient̢۪s Guide by Paul Kraus provides cancer patients the information they need in order to learn about survival behavior. The author, Paul Kraus was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 1997 and was . . cancer has reached an advanced stage, which is why the disease is so difficult to treat and has such a low survival rate once diagnosed. The has caused an increase in the need for a mesothelioma . Confirming if Mesothelioma is present is done through a biopsy, performed by an oncologist or even a . Learn what causes lung cancer and how to increase your chance of survival. Lung Cancer:New treatments are undergoing clinical trials and could possibly get the survival ratio after diagnosis up 5 to 10 years from the current 12 to 18 months. Mesothelioma Cancer TreatmentMoreover Technologies - Real-time RSS news feeds harvested from more than 11,000 sources.Ad - If you or a loved one was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you have valuable legal rights. Free Lawsuit Case Evaluation for victims in all 50 States.steam. placeholder Related Topics & Web Content Top 35 Most Viewed 2007 Reuters Featured Advertiser Links Asbestos, Avandia, Mesothelioma Lawyer, Lung Cancer T-Shirts, Custom Hats, Custom Koozies, Wedding Favors T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless,7-3. placeholder Related Topics & Web Content Top 35 Most Viewed 2007 Reuters Featured Advertiser Links Asbestos, Avandia, Mesothelioma Lawyer, Lung Cancer T-Shirts, Custom Hats, Custom Koozies, Wedding Favors T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless,is going to need any physical therapy,' Kathy continues. Initially Wolfe told the Holts that Roxie's chances for survival were 50/50. 'After the surgery, Dr. Wolfe came out and told us that she would up those odds to 85/15,' Kathy says. Meanwhile, Roxie,Refinance Mortgage Student Loans Wrongful Death Attorney Business Loans Debt Consolidation Loan Health Insurance Quotes Medical Malpractice Lawyer Mesothelioma Attorney Mortgage Mortgage Calculator Restaurant Loansto 34.11 eur after a new study found that high-flux dialyzers, like those made by the company, increased survival rates of patients with severe chronic kidney disease when compared with low-flux dialyzers. Over on the MDAX, Norddeutsche Affinerie felltest. Taking an HIV test is on par with other tests that can lead to prevention, treatment and survival. Physicians routinely screen for cholesterol, diabetes, and breast cancer because intervention saves lives. We should treat HIV testing the same way.forms that alludes to Moses' parting of the Red Sea while fleeing slavery in Egypt symbolic of Jewish survival in the face of catastrophe. When it opens in two years, Polish and Jewish leaders hope it will become a cultural landmark in a league within activities, such as; lifeguard certification, swimming instruction, sailing, canoeing, rowing, rifle and shot gun shooting, and wilderness survival. Over 450 Scouts and adult volunteers from throughout the valley will participate at the 80thRefinance Mortgage Student Loans Wrongful Death Attorney Business Loans Debt Consolidation Loan Health Insurance Quotes Medical Malpractice Lawyer Mesothelioma Attorney Mortgage Mortgage Calculator Restaurant Loansunipolar system is still in place and remains a scourge of humanity and a mortal threat to the survival of our species. 'A growing number of millions of Americans are becoming aware of the horrors of the economic and political order imposed on theBrain Function Debra Anscombe Wood, RN Monday May 7, 2007 Studies show that therapeutic hypothermia can increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients. When the procedure is performed, critical care teams are able to decrease the metabolic rateswith everyday worries about school, friends, cars and girls. Unaware that he alone is mankind's last chance for survival, Sam and his friend Mikaela (Megan Fox) find themselves in a tug of war between the Autobots(R) and Decepticons(R). With the worldnews site, 'are relevant as long as they deliver unique differentiated products.' He figures their best mode of survival is through cutting deals with big publishers. 'It's doubtful a smaller company can manage the whole ecosystem with the sameRefinance Mortgage Student Loans Wrongful Death Attorney Business Loans Debt Consolidation Loan Health Insurance Quotes Medical Malpractice Lawyer Mesothelioma Attorney Mortgage Mortgage Calculator Restaurant Loanswith everyday worries about school, friends, cars and girls. Unaware that he alone is mankind's last chance for survival, Sam and his friend Mikaela (Megan Fox) find themselves in a tug of war between the Autobots(R) and Decepticons(R). With the worldin the Malaysian jungle, where gappers apply the teachings of ancient warriors to modern life, learning martial arts, survival skills and leadership strategies (995). The Leap (01672 519922; www.theleap.co.uk) has a programme of 'sporting leaps'. You canGloria Macapagal-Arroyo Sunday said her administration was seeking to make overseas employment optional rather than a matter of survival for many Filipinos. Speaking at the World Economic Forum on East Asia, Ms Arroyo said that the government wasmesothelioma settlement mesothelioma treatment law | litigation support viaticals mesothelioma attorney
indiana lawyer mesothelioma asbestos attorney dallas | mesothelioma case new jersey mesothelioma lawyermesothelioma settlement mesothelioma injury mesothelioma | mesothelioma settlement missouriLargest-Yet Mesothelioma Study Shows Survival Benefit with New Drug Largest-Yet Mesothelioma Study Shows Survival Benefit with New DrugAll About Malignant Mesothelioma, an online resource for information about mesothelioma causes . Treatment options have been limited, and the prognosis for victims is poor, with typical survival . Following the 10th anniversary of his survival of the deadly cancer entitled mesothelioma, Paul Kraus marches forward in his conquest and gives hope to those affected by the deadly cancer and disease.He also survived 20 years past his diagnosis of abdominal mesothelioma. He died in 2002 at aged 60 of a second apparently unrelated cancer beating his 8 month median survival thirty times over. . of MM using conventional therapies has not proved successful and patients have a median survival time of 6 - 12 months after presentation. The clinical behaviour of the malignancy. Mesothelioma Cure and . MINNEAPOLIS -- For children with leukemia who need a transplant, five-year disease-free survival . cisplatin or carboplatin demonstrated activity in previously untreated malignant pleural mesothelioma . A Patient̢۪s Guide by Paul Kraus provides cancer patients the information they need in order to learn about survival behavior. The author, Paul Kraus was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 1997 and was . . cancer has reached an advanced stage, which is why the disease is so difficult to treat and has such a low survival rate once diagnosed. The has caused an increase in the need for a mesothelioma . Confirming if Mesothelioma is present is done through a biopsy, performed by an oncologist or even a . Learn what causes lung cancer and how to increase your chance of survival. Lung Cancer:New treatments are undergoing clinical trials and could possibly get the survival ratio after diagnosis up 5 to 10 years from the current 12 to 18 months. Mesothelioma Cancer TreatmentMoreover Technologies - Real-time RSS news feeds harvested from more than 11,000 sources.Ad - If you or a loved one was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you have valuable legal rights. Free Lawsuit Case Evaluation for victims in all 50 States.steam. placeholder Related Topics & Web Content Top 35 Most Viewed 2007 Reuters Featured Advertiser Links Asbestos, Avandia, Mesothelioma Lawyer, Lung Cancer T-Shirts, Custom Hats, Custom Koozies, Wedding Favors T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless,7-3. placeholder Related Topics & Web Content Top 35 Most Viewed 2007 Reuters Featured Advertiser Links Asbestos, Avandia, Mesothelioma Lawyer, Lung Cancer T-Shirts, Custom Hats, Custom Koozies, Wedding Favors T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless,is going to need any physical therapy,' Kathy continues. Initially Wolfe told the Holts that Roxie's chances for survival were 50/50. 'After the surgery, Dr. Wolfe came out and told us that she would up those odds to 85/15,' Kathy says. 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Unaware that he alone is mankind's last chance for survival, Sam and his friend Mikaela (Megan Fox) find themselves in a tug of war between the Autobots(R) and Decepticons(R). With the worldin the Malaysian jungle, where gappers apply the teachings of ancient warriors to modern life, learning martial arts, survival skills and leadership strategies (995). The Leap (01672 519922; www.theleap.co.uk) has a programme of 'sporting leaps'. You canGloria Macapagal-Arroyo Sunday said her administration was seeking to make overseas employment optional rather than a matter of survival for many Filipinos. Speaking at the World Economic Forum on East Asia, Ms Arroyo said that the government wasmesothelioma settlement mesothelioma treatment law | litigation support viaticals mesothelioma attorney
Monday, July 9, 2007
Avoid Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma injury can be classified into three main groups, Pleural (chest), Peritoneal (abdominal) and Pericardial (heart). All three types of Mesothelioma injury are mainly cause through exposure to an Asbestos related substance.
Mesothelioma injury arises when the Mesothelioma cells surrounding the lungs, heart, or abdominal organs become cancerous. The Mesothelioma cells change to form nodules, which can then clump together to form a tumor, or tumors around the organ.
In more extreme cases of Mesothelioma Cancer, the Mesothelioma tumor can break through the walls of the organs that it surrounds and cause internal damage to the organ. Also, in some cases the Cancer can travel through the blood stream and affect other organs, not directly surrounded by the original Mesothelioma Cancerous Cells.
The origins of Mesothelioma injury begin when a person is exposed to an asbestos related substance. The person either inhales the Asbestos fibers, or the fibers enter the skin. These fibers either lodge in the lungs, or travel through the body and affect the heart, or abdominal organs.
The bodies natural defense system will attempt to eradicate the fibers from the body, through attempts to expel the fibers. However, some fibers will become lodged in the Mesothelioma cell layers that provide a protective layer around the lungs, heart and abdominal area.
Over time, the Mesothelioma cells surrounding the fibers, can change consistency and become cancerous. It is at this stage that the Mesothelioma injury begins to occur, as it turns into Mesothelioma.
However, Mesothelioma injury also includes the conditional affects that occur as a result of having Mesothelioma Cancer. Some of these conditional affects include, immune deficiency, which can lead to a slow break down of the bodies defense system.
Once the bodies defense system begins to break down the body can become subject to colds and other such illnesses. The overall affects of having Mesothelioma Cancer can lead to an array of Mesothelioma injuries and has the potential to cause major organ failure.
In order to prevent the adverse affects of Mesothelioma injury, Mesothelioma doctors have been implementing various treatments that aim to prevent further damage. Some of these treatments include, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immune augmentative therapy.
In regard to Mesothelioma Cancer, Surgery aims to remove the Cancerous Mesothelioma cells, while chemotherapy uses drugs to kill the Cancerous cells. Radiation therapy also aims to eliminate the Mesothelioma cells, while immune augmentative therapy aims to restore the body’s natural immune system to a level in which it can be effective in helping to fight the effects of Mesothelioma Cancer.
All of these treatment methods are aimed at preventing further Mesothelioma injury to the patient. If you, or someone you know, have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer, ensure that you seek immediate treatment to prevent the affects of Mesothelioma Cancer and to avoid further Mesothelioma injury.
Mesothelioma injury arises when the Mesothelioma cells surrounding the lungs, heart, or abdominal organs become cancerous. The Mesothelioma cells change to form nodules, which can then clump together to form a tumor, or tumors around the organ.
In more extreme cases of Mesothelioma Cancer, the Mesothelioma tumor can break through the walls of the organs that it surrounds and cause internal damage to the organ. Also, in some cases the Cancer can travel through the blood stream and affect other organs, not directly surrounded by the original Mesothelioma Cancerous Cells.
The origins of Mesothelioma injury begin when a person is exposed to an asbestos related substance. The person either inhales the Asbestos fibers, or the fibers enter the skin. These fibers either lodge in the lungs, or travel through the body and affect the heart, or abdominal organs.
The bodies natural defense system will attempt to eradicate the fibers from the body, through attempts to expel the fibers. However, some fibers will become lodged in the Mesothelioma cell layers that provide a protective layer around the lungs, heart and abdominal area.
Over time, the Mesothelioma cells surrounding the fibers, can change consistency and become cancerous. It is at this stage that the Mesothelioma injury begins to occur, as it turns into Mesothelioma.
However, Mesothelioma injury also includes the conditional affects that occur as a result of having Mesothelioma Cancer. Some of these conditional affects include, immune deficiency, which can lead to a slow break down of the bodies defense system.
Once the bodies defense system begins to break down the body can become subject to colds and other such illnesses. The overall affects of having Mesothelioma Cancer can lead to an array of Mesothelioma injuries and has the potential to cause major organ failure.
In order to prevent the adverse affects of Mesothelioma injury, Mesothelioma doctors have been implementing various treatments that aim to prevent further damage. Some of these treatments include, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immune augmentative therapy.
In regard to Mesothelioma Cancer, Surgery aims to remove the Cancerous Mesothelioma cells, while chemotherapy uses drugs to kill the Cancerous cells. Radiation therapy also aims to eliminate the Mesothelioma cells, while immune augmentative therapy aims to restore the body’s natural immune system to a level in which it can be effective in helping to fight the effects of Mesothelioma Cancer.
All of these treatment methods are aimed at preventing further Mesothelioma injury to the patient. If you, or someone you know, have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer, ensure that you seek immediate treatment to prevent the affects of Mesothelioma Cancer and to avoid further Mesothelioma injury.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Chrysotile Asbestos Causes Rare Peritoneal Mesothelioma
A jury awarded over $1.9 million to a 71-year-old retired sheet metal worker, Genaro Garcia, who developed peritoneal mesothelioma from his prior on-the-job exposure to asbestos (Genaro Garcia and Dalia Garcia v. Duro Dyne Corporation, SF Superior Court, #418098). Peritoneal mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer that first attacks the membranes lining the stomach. This fatal disease is almost always caused by asbestos exposure.
The defendant, Duro Dyne Corporation, is a former manufacturer and distributor of asbestos-containing flex HVAC duct connectors and duct sealer used for sheet metal duct connections. Mr. Garcia worked with Duro Dyne Corporation's asbestos-containing sheet metal products throughout his 48-year career, but was never advised to wear any form of respiratory protection. Experts testified that he was exposed to hazardous levels of asbestos, and that each exposure was a substantial factor that contributed to his risk of developing an asbestos-related disease.
Mr. Garcia learned that he had peritoneal mesothelioma in late 2002. After over two years of treatment with chemotherapy, including Alimta®, his cancer is currently in a temporary state of remission. Mr. Garcia traveled with his wife by car from Whittier, California, to testify at the San Francisco trial. He was unable to travel by plane due to the severe side effects of his chemotherapy regime.
The verdict against Duro Dyne Corporation consisted of $325,369 for past and future medical expenses, $530,250 for lost earning capacity, and $1.05 million in non-economic damages. Non-economic damages included $300,000 to Mrs. Garcia for loss of consortium.
"We are grateful that the jury rejected the defense claims that chrysotile asbestos does not cause all mesothelioma, including peritoneal, and that Mr. Garcia is somehow cured of this terrible and entirely preventable disease. Only in a courtroom would you hear such things," said Mr. Garcia's attorney, Gilbert Purcell, after the verdict.
Gilbert Purcell and Crystal Howard of Brayton Purcell in Novato, California, represented plaintiffs Genaro and Delia Garcia at trial. Duro Dyne Corporation was represented at trial by James Sinunu and Thomas Trapani of Adams Nye Sinunu Bruni Becht LLP of San Francisco, CA.
The defendant, Duro Dyne Corporation, is a former manufacturer and distributor of asbestos-containing flex HVAC duct connectors and duct sealer used for sheet metal duct connections. Mr. Garcia worked with Duro Dyne Corporation's asbestos-containing sheet metal products throughout his 48-year career, but was never advised to wear any form of respiratory protection. Experts testified that he was exposed to hazardous levels of asbestos, and that each exposure was a substantial factor that contributed to his risk of developing an asbestos-related disease.
Mr. Garcia learned that he had peritoneal mesothelioma in late 2002. After over two years of treatment with chemotherapy, including Alimta®, his cancer is currently in a temporary state of remission. Mr. Garcia traveled with his wife by car from Whittier, California, to testify at the San Francisco trial. He was unable to travel by plane due to the severe side effects of his chemotherapy regime.
The verdict against Duro Dyne Corporation consisted of $325,369 for past and future medical expenses, $530,250 for lost earning capacity, and $1.05 million in non-economic damages. Non-economic damages included $300,000 to Mrs. Garcia for loss of consortium.
"We are grateful that the jury rejected the defense claims that chrysotile asbestos does not cause all mesothelioma, including peritoneal, and that Mr. Garcia is somehow cured of this terrible and entirely preventable disease. Only in a courtroom would you hear such things," said Mr. Garcia's attorney, Gilbert Purcell, after the verdict.
Gilbert Purcell and Crystal Howard of Brayton Purcell in Novato, California, represented plaintiffs Genaro and Delia Garcia at trial. Duro Dyne Corporation was represented at trial by James Sinunu and Thomas Trapani of Adams Nye Sinunu Bruni Becht LLP of San Francisco, CA.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a very serious malignant tumor that affects the torso of the human body. There is a very strong link between mesothelioma and exposure to asbestos particles (by breathing or swallowing). There are three common forms of mesothelioma:
1. Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common form of Mesothelioma. It starts in the chest cavity (after breathing the particles) before spreading to other areas.
2. Peritoneal Mesothelioma starts in the abdomen (after swallowing the particles) and accounts for about 10-20% of Mesothelioma patients.
3. Pericardial Mesothelioma is the rarest form of Mesothelioma. It starts in the cavity that surrounds the heart.
Mesothelioma is so difficult to diagnose early because the symptoms are often mistaken for those of other, less serious ailments. To make matters worse, it often takes many years for the symptoms to show up after the asbestos exposure takes place.
Here is a list of the most common Mesothelioma symptoms:
* Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
* A cough that won't go away
* A change in your normal coughing pattern
* Frequent hoarseness or raspy voice
* Significant weight loss that cannot be explained
* Difficulty swallowing
* Pain in the chest or abdomen
* Coughing up blood
If you experience one or more of these symptoms of Mesothelioma for more than a short period of time, you should consult your physician right away. Mesothelioma, by its very nature, is very difficult to diagnose early (many people simply ignore the symptoms at first).
This is why you need to pay attention to your body and monitor your health for the symptoms, especially if you're in one of these high-risk occupations:
* Brake Mechanics
* Steel Workers
* Insulators
* Boilermakers
* Shipfitters
* Maintenance Workers
* Pipe Fitters
* Any other occupation where exposure to asbestos is possible or likely
Once Mesothelioma is diagnosed, the chances of recovery vary according to several factors, including the size and location of the tumor, how much it has spread, and the age of the patient.
In general, the earlier that Mesothelioma is diagnosed, the better the chances of survival. So if you experience any of the common Mesothelioma symptoms, see your doctor right away.
More detailed information about Mesothelioma:
* What is the mesothelium and Mesothelioma?
* What causes Mesothelioma?
* Mesothelioma symptoms
* Mesothelioma risk factors
Additional Resource:
Mesothelioma is a cancer that can be devastating to the people and family surrounding this disease. Get information about Mesothelioma support and Mesothelioma lawyers here today.
1. Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common form of Mesothelioma. It starts in the chest cavity (after breathing the particles) before spreading to other areas.
2. Peritoneal Mesothelioma starts in the abdomen (after swallowing the particles) and accounts for about 10-20% of Mesothelioma patients.
3. Pericardial Mesothelioma is the rarest form of Mesothelioma. It starts in the cavity that surrounds the heart.
Mesothelioma is so difficult to diagnose early because the symptoms are often mistaken for those of other, less serious ailments. To make matters worse, it often takes many years for the symptoms to show up after the asbestos exposure takes place.
Here is a list of the most common Mesothelioma symptoms:
* Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
* A cough that won't go away
* A change in your normal coughing pattern
* Frequent hoarseness or raspy voice
* Significant weight loss that cannot be explained
* Difficulty swallowing
* Pain in the chest or abdomen
* Coughing up blood
If you experience one or more of these symptoms of Mesothelioma for more than a short period of time, you should consult your physician right away. Mesothelioma, by its very nature, is very difficult to diagnose early (many people simply ignore the symptoms at first).
This is why you need to pay attention to your body and monitor your health for the symptoms, especially if you're in one of these high-risk occupations:
* Brake Mechanics
* Steel Workers
* Insulators
* Boilermakers
* Shipfitters
* Maintenance Workers
* Pipe Fitters
* Any other occupation where exposure to asbestos is possible or likely
Once Mesothelioma is diagnosed, the chances of recovery vary according to several factors, including the size and location of the tumor, how much it has spread, and the age of the patient.
In general, the earlier that Mesothelioma is diagnosed, the better the chances of survival. So if you experience any of the common Mesothelioma symptoms, see your doctor right away.
More detailed information about Mesothelioma:
* What is the mesothelium and Mesothelioma?
* What causes Mesothelioma?
* Mesothelioma symptoms
* Mesothelioma risk factors
Additional Resource:
Mesothelioma is a cancer that can be devastating to the people and family surrounding this disease. Get information about Mesothelioma support and Mesothelioma lawyers here today.
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